American Action Network (AAN) Statement on Title II Net Neutrality Legislation
Washington – American Action Network (AAN) President Dan Conston today issued the following statement regarding action taken in the House Committee on Energy and Commerce today regarding net neutrality legislation.
“The Internet today is faster and easier to use than ever before. For thirty years, the Internet has flourished because Washington has left it alone. Americans support a fair and open internet, but they strongly reject overregulation by Congress.”
“Unfortunately, liberal activists in places like San Francisco and New York have redefined the concept of “net neutrality” as a massive government takeover and overregulation of the Internet in place of the truly free and open Internet we know today. Americans don’t want Nancy Pelosi to take control of the Internet and threaten expanded access to faster broadband and new innovations like the IoT and augmented reality.”
“Instead of again rehashing the previous debate, Congress needs to look to the future and forge a new bipartisan solution, so the Internet continues to drive economic growth and opportunity in today’s digital marketplace.”