21 October 2014

AAN Begins “Deserve” Ad Campaign Against Rick Nolan

Tue, 2014-10-21 11:28  WASHINGTON

American Action Network (@AAN) today released the ad “Deserve” in Minnesota's 8th congressional district, exposing Congressman Rick Nolan's record of looking out for himself over Minnesota families and veterans. 

In Congress, Rick Nolan voted for pay raises and extravagant congressional perks, including taxpayer-funded health care and first-class air travel for Congress. But when it came time to fund veterans’ earned benefits, Rick Nolan was one of only four members to vote against a bipartisan veterans bill. 

This ad will air on Minneapolis-St. Paul broadcast TV as part of AAN's now $750,000 in independent expenditures in the MN-08 race. “Deserve” will also feature a 15-second version for online advertising.

“Nothing says ‘out-of-touch’ like Rick Nolan’s record of voting against veterans benefits but for perks and pay raises for Congress,” said Emily Davis, spokeswoman for American Action Network. “The last thing Minnesota families and veterans need is another self-serving politician like Rick Nolan in Congress.” 





:30 Script:

ANNCR: Congressman Rick Nolan is what's wrong with Washington. 

Nolan voted to keep special health care perks and first class airfare for congressmen.

He voted himself four pay raises in five years.

If only Nolan took care of our veterans like he takes care of himself –

Rick Nolan was one of just four in Congress to vote against health and pension benefits for our veterans.

They deserve better than Rick Nolan. 

American Action Network is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Courtney Parella

Communications Director