Immigration16 January 2024

AAN Launches New Ads Urging Congress to Keep Up the Border Security Fight

The $1.8 million issue advocacy campaign will run on television and digital platforms

American Action Network (AAN) is launching a new issue advocacy campaign urging Congress to keep up the fight to secure the border. The ads note how dire the situation at the border has become and that there are key solutions which conservatives in Congress have been advocating for from H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023.

The $1.8 million ad campaign will run in sixteen districts across the country, in some districts on television and in some districts on digital platforms. The ads urge constituents to call their Member of Congress to keep up the border fight.
Those districts are: (AL-06) Gary Palmer, (AZ-06) Juan Ciscomani, (CA-22) David Valadao, (FL-11) Daniel Webster, (IA-01) Mariannette Miller-Meeks, (IA-04) Randy Feenstra, (IL-12) Mike Bost, (OH-04) Jim Jordan, (PA-01) Brian Fitzpatrick, (SC-03) Jeff Duncan, (SC-04) William Timmons, (SD-AL) Dusty Johnson, (TN-07) Mark Green, (TX-10) Michael McCaul, (TX-23) Tony Gonzales, (WA-04) Dan Newhouse.

Click here or below to view one of the ads:

“Our southern border is out of control, and now every state is a border state, with communities all across the country overwhelmed by the Biden Administration’s inaction and incompetence,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Conservatives in Congress have been laser-focused on finding a solution to to fix our border – keep up the fight.” 

The U.S. is seeing record levels of migrant crossings, with December documenting a record-setting 302,000 migrants alone. According to recent surveys, Americans see that the Biden administration and the left have failed to implement much-needed border security and are calling for tougher measures to secure the border. The House passed H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023 on May 10, 2023, but the legislation has yet to be taken up in the Senate.

Courtney Parella

Communications Director