American Action Network Launches Spanish-Language Television Ads Supporting Pro-Growth Tax Reform
Six-figure television advertising campaign targets seven congressional districts
WASHINGTON – American Action Network’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative (MCGI) today launched a targeted Spanish-language television advertising campaign promoting the benefits of a simpler, fairer, pro-growth tax code for working families. The six-figure campaign, featuring small business owner Fortino and his wife, Bertha Rivera, is a continuation of AAN’s $22 million commitment to passing tax reform.
“Too many middle-class families work hard, play by the rules, and yet still find themselves struggling to get ahead,” said AAN Executive Director Corry Bliss. “Our tax code is broken, and Americans deserve better. Meaningful, pro-growth tax reform means average savings upward of $1,200 for middle-class families, allowing them to save for the future, get ahead, and finally have some peace of mind. AAN is working to deliver this message to every community and engage more middle-class voices in the push for a fairer, simpler, competitive tax code.”
The television ad campaign is part of the Middle-Class Growth Initiative (MCGI), a special project of American Action Network launched in August to advocate for the passage of meaningful tax reform legislation. The multi-pronged effort, now totaling over $18 million in expenditures, includes advertising on television, radio, digital, direct mail, and mobile billboards in over 50 congressional districts nationwide. AAN has pledged to spend at least $22 million total in efforts to support the passage of tax reform.
Watch the ad here.
Fortino Rivera: Families like ours, we are proud to work hard.
Bertha Rivera: We do it for our kids and our grandkids,
And we make every dollar count.
Fortino: But I see it everyday, a complicated, unfair tax code limits opportunity,
Killing jobs and burdening families.
Congress must simplify the tax code, and cut taxes for working families.
Bertha: That gives us more security, and closing loopholes means everyone pays their fair share.
Fortino: Congress, a simpler, fairer tax code means more opportunity for working families.
Fortino Rivera: Estamos orgullosos de trabajar duro.
Lo hacemos por nuestros hijos y nietos.
Bertha Rivera: Hacemos que cada dolar cuente.
Fortino: Pero los impuestos son injustos y complicados limita oportunidad …
Bertha: …elimina empleos y agobia nuestras familias.
Fortino: El congreso tiene que simplificar el codigo y bajar los impuestos para las familias trabajadoras.
Bertha: Y hacer que todos paguen lo que les corresponde.
Fortino: Dile al Congreso: Un código tributario más simple y justo dará más oportunidad a las familias trabajadoras.