NEW VIDEO: Making Tax Reform A Reality
WASHINGTON – Following the passage of historic tax reform this week, American Action Network’s (@AAN) Middle-Class Growth Initiative (MCGI) released a video detailing how the message of meaningful, pro-growth tax reform was shared. AAN was the leading outside group advocating for the House passage of tax reform legislation, spending over $24 million since August and targeting over 60 congressional districts nationwide.
“AAN was proud to play a meaningful role and work with other conservative groups to make historic tax reform a reality this year,” said AAN Executive Director Corry Bliss. “We made it our mission to explain what pro-growth tax reform meant for middle-class families: higher wages, more jobs, and a $2,000 tax cut. In the coming months, AAN will continue to push this message as pro-growth tax reform is signed in to law and the American people begin to feel the positive effects of this historic legislation.”
View video here.
- Total spent since August 1: Over $24 million
- Districts targeted: 64
- Unique ad campaigns: 25
- Campaigns included: TV, digital, op-eds, mobile billboards, radio (English and Spanish), robocalls, focus groups, national surveys
AAN launched the Middle-Class Growth Initiative in August to promote pro-growth tax reform passage. The multi-pronged effort included advertising on television, radio, digital, direct mail, and mobile billboards in over 60 congressional districts across the country. In addition, AAN’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative spearheaded letters to Congress from over 40 outside groups, and held regular meetings aimed to unite conservatives and build momentum for meaningful reform.