What’s Malinowski think about “the largest tax increase in half a century”?
Small businesses are struggling to get back on their feet. Trillions in reckless spending has set off record inflation. Price increases are eating away rapidly at families’ paychecks.
The left’s solution? “The largest tax and spending increase in half a century.”
Will Tom Malinowski back the left’s colossal new tax hikes for individuals and small businesses? Or will he finally stand up and fight for his constituents?
“With small businesses still fighting to get back on their feet and families feeling the sting of record inflation, the last thing Americans need is economy crushing tax hikes and trillions in new spending,” said AAN Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Tom Malinowski needs to tell constituents where he stands: will he vote for more of the same disastrous policies that have families stretching their paychecks thinner than ever?”