POLL: Kind in trouble on Pelosi vote
The poll is in and the results are clear: Ron Kind better think twice if he’s mulling a flip-flop to support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.
American Action Network released new polling today that shows a whopping 62% of Kind’s constituents oppose Pelosi for Speaker. Worse: If Kind either votes ‘present’ and allows her to become Speaker or votes for Pelosi outright, huge swaths of voters would be less likely to vote for him in 2022.
50% would be less likely to back him with a ‘present’ vote and 47% less likely with a vote for Pelosi outright. Not good!
The full polling memo from AAN is available here.
“Everyone knows Ron Kind’s vote is up for sale to the highest bidder, but if he sells out again and helps make Pelosi Speaker, his constituents will be hard pressed to forgive such a betrayal,” said AAN Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Kind ought to listen to his constituents for a change and do everything in his power to stop Pelosi from becoming Speaker.”