10 March 2021

AAN Hammers House on Vote To Pass Pelosi’s Liberal Stimulus

American Action Network released the following statement hammering Members of the U.S. House of Representatives who voted for final passage of Nancy Pelosi’s $1.9 trillion bailout for progressives and their liberal agenda.

“Liberals’ first act in office is a $1.9 trillion travesty that does far more to fund the left’s socialist transformation of America than it does to deliver the essentials we need to put COVID-19 behind us,” said Dan Conston, President of American Action Network. “It raises taxes, cuts Medicare, and doesn’t get kids back in school but spends trillions on progressive pet projects, political priorities and pork spending. It’s too costly, too liberal, too corrupt and every Member who voted for it should be ashamed.”

American Action Network led the charge in the House of Representatives against the bill, funding north of six figures on advertising and other issue advocacy in as many as 52 House Districts on the bill. After AAN began its campaigns on this issue in February, Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02) voted no. AAN’s polling from a suburban swing district showed 2/3 of voters opposed a COVID bill that would “go big” to pass Administration priorities and preferred a targeted, smaller bill that more directly funded only “the highest priorities like vaccine distribution and opening schools.

An example ad from AAN’s issue advocacy appears below:

Courtney Parella

Communications Director