AAN Launches Election Fairness Project
Today, the American Action Network announced the launch of the Election Fairness Project, an initiative to maintain fair and secure elections, and to protect faith in America’s public institutions. With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a number of constantly changing election rules nationwide, AAN’s new project will support legal cases by providing well-argued amicus briefings in suits where the fairness of our elections is on the line.
While a number of organizations provide assistance to areas where the Presidential and up-ballot contests are playing out, AAN’s efforts will be directed primarily to assisting in other areas that receive less attention, but are no less important to American Democracy.
To aid this new effort, AAN has a new webpage available here where interested parties can obtain more information and contact our organization regarding potentially relevant cases. Click here to view.
“Faith in our democratic institutions requires the People to know that the rules by which they participate are going to be consistently administered,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “With so much on the line and so many far-reaching changes this year, we stand ready to forcefully advocate for every American’s right to have the rules of the election clearly and fairly enforced.”