8 July 2015

AAN Launches Six-Figure Ad Buy To Keep Washington’s Hands Off Your IRA

WASHINGTON – The American Action Network (@AAN) today launched a $100,000 national ad buy against the Department of Labor’s proposed “fiduciary” rule, calling on Congress to oppose this rule that could harm savers with Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).  The national ad buy will run this week on Fox News and on the Sunday show Fox News Sunday on July 12th.
View the TV ad here.

“The Department of Labor has unilaterally decided that many Americans’ personal financial advisor should be replaced by a government rule that limits their options,” said AAN President Mike Shields. “The unfortunate irony is this so-called ‘fiduciary’ rule will adversely affect many Americans’ choices, with the hardest impact on lower- and middle-income Americans trying to save and invest for their retirement. We want voters to know that the government is meddling with their retirement savings and to call on their Member of Congress to keep Washington’s hands off their IRA.”  
This advertising comes two weeks before the Administration’s rule comment period closes July 21 and less than a month before Members of Congress hear from constituents during Congress’ August district work period. In May, AAN and its sister organization American Action Forum released polling finding that Americans oppose the proposed rule 50% to 28%. Additionally, 59% of Americans do not believe it is the government’s job to decide what is best for an individual’s personal retirement account.

View the poll results here.
The American Action Network is a 501(c)(4) 'action tank' that creates, encourages and promotes center-right policies based on the principles of freedom, limited government, American exceptionalism, and strong national security. The American Action Network's primary goal is to put our center-right ideas into action by engaging the hearts and minds of the American people and spurring them into action to advance our center-right policy agenda.

Courtney Parella

Communications Director